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Carbon fiber&Fiberglass

Carbon fiber&Fiberglass laser marking

Fiber-based materials like fiberglass can be marked with limitations.
Because they are composed of individual fibers, the structural integrity can be damaged by the laser, resulting in a blurry marking which cannot be scanned.
Carbon fiber is easier to mark, as the laser typically does not threaten the integrity of the material.
However, because of the composition and color of the carbon, the resulting laser mark is always black, which limits contrast and readability.
ZGG laser marking machine is capable of marking on fiberglass and carbon fiber and the ideal system for your application depends on your marking requirements.
Higher wattage lasers can etch or engrave more quickly, but the lower wattage laser can perform the same markings with an extended cycle time.
The 532nm Green laser marking machine are also a good choice because they are heavily absorbed and don’t cause a lot of melting.

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